Sunday, October 26, 2014

Indian Muslims need a pro-active Minister for Minorities' Affairs.

  The new Prime Minister took oath of the Office raising hopes and expectations in the minds of the common man. The ruling party is supported by the traditional conservative forces who want India become a true Hindu State.

The philosophies ruling the Political Parties have direct impact on the lives of the downtrodden and socially deprived sections of the society. When these philosophies are governed by the religious myths and policies, the results are usually unforeseen. The implementation of such Policies is governed by the socially acceptable and widely practiced written constitutions of the country. If we find new kinds of rightist extremism it is basically due to the mutually divert viewpoints of how a country is governed vis a vis how it is being governed. 

The point of consideration here is how well is the Ministry of Minorities Affairs (MMA )  being managed by the present Government of India. Even when the Minister of MMA has a rich background of education , Parliamentary democracies and a World wide experience in Governance and has some exemplary work to her credit when it comes to empowerment of women in India. However, as a Minister of Minorities Affairs she faces three major challenges .
First is how to bridge the widening gap of indifference between the Muslim Minorities and the Governments.
 Muslims are the major among the religious minorities in India. Muslims have built upon the Minority status through the Religious Schools called Madarsa with Urdu, Arabic and Persian cultural and linguistic background. These institutions are usually managed by religious scholars and philanthropists who are sometimes not governed by any group/ NGOs/ Trusts / Religious bodies. These Madarsas shape the Muslim psyche with the basic education in Islam provided to children who generally come from poorer and destitute sections of Muslim communities. These Heads of the Religious Institutions have major difficulty in striking a level of common understanding with the local governments and the rules and regulations related to their Institutions. They do not want “interferences” in their Institutions by the State machinery. Since she comes from the sophisticated class of Muslims, it is a challenge for her to communicate with these religious heads of Muslim Institutions. It becomes more difficult when these Institutions are dominated by Male, Sharia and not dependent on Government funds. 

The concept of veil (Purdah) for women in general, Haram and halal of the Government Funding and the rejection on the money given by non-Muslims make the participation of such religious Institution for the Minister.

Secondly, the Minority status of Muslims is challenged repeatedly by the social organisations working , in tandem, with the ruling political parties. 

The concept of  who is “Hindu” is one such myth generated time and again to question the existence of Muslims in India. I agree that this is a Secular country with a name of India , that is Bharat than why is this not respected by the majority residing here? 
The Minister faces the challenge of how should Muslims be looked at ? 

The poor allocation of Budgetary-funds to her Ministry, rescheduling of previous Government’s Schemes by giving them to other Ministries and no full- time engagements with the Minorities of India makes the Ministry of Minority Affairs outdated and slowly , redundant. Same is the situation with the most of the Commission for Minorities, The Wakf Board and the Boards made for promotion of Urdu language at the State level where the political persons are elected / nominated by the ruling Political parties to push forward their agenda of mainly suppressing minorities.

Thirdly, and more importantly, where , how and when will she generate jobs for the Unemployed Muslim Youth ?

 Her Ministry faces an uphill task of generating goodwill among the MNCs, homegrown big Industrialists and potential job-givers and also creates more number of jobs in the Government sector. We have not seen much change after Sachchar Committee’s  recommendations to provide more number of jobs for the Muslims. I do not expect there would be a noticeable shift from what UPA2 has done and what this Government will do. She also faces an imminent challenge of how to wean the youths away from the attraction of Armed struggle under the banners of ISIL  / IS , as is being seen in the Gulf.

These can only be achieved by a pro-active Minister not an aloof-personality, cocooned in her own little world, bound by imaginary “Hindi” belief-system.

Tagged : #Islam , #Sachchar ; #India, #Muslim , #UPA ; #NDA , #India , #Gulf, #Minorities , #haram , #Sharia, #Halal,

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Will he prove an Angel or a Bhasmaasur ?

As the results of the General Elections 2014 are out and the details are available for the public through the Election Commission of India ( vide their website ) I would like to share three important real incidents of my life.
1.     ECI is not committed to updating data online.

The election booths were changed near the one on which I voted. I  registered a complaint alongwith a site photograph that two Booths have been changed and the voters are not aware about the change. Thanks to the ECI the central Observer visited the Booths soon after and noticed hinsewlf that Voters were not aware of the change. He advised the Officers to update the information and inform the Voters. Following this the District Level officer talked to me thrice on my mobile and said that the changes were made in the last “ minute so it is not possible to update these data now” but noticeably the data on the official website ( of ECI,in pdf format) was removed .
However to my shock after I was informed that my complaint had been replied to ,the same ( incorrect ) data was uploaded on the website ( and remains so till date !) giving the wrong locations of the two Booths.
This shows that the Election Commission is fully dependent on the sluggish official-machinery which refuses to accept electronic-transparency and be a responsible to the people of India. The online data are as faulty and misleading as the workforce that works behind these machines.

2- The ornamental- Muslims have lost the charishma , thanks to religious-polarisation in Indian Elections.
One of the poster boy from Bhagalpur lost the elections even when he was doing good work in his constituency. One of my-in-laws had toiled there for him and he was candid in his opinion when he said  jokingly ,” Modi-lehar proved a Pepsi to Shahnawaz bhai. He lost elections as he did not get the votes from majority community.” The wave raised in favour of this Party downed the Muslim candidates all over the country. This indicates clear religious-intolerance and on -way voting by the assumable majority community against Muslims of all shades in India.
Therefore, no , I repeat , No Muslim was able to win this election on this party’s ticket , thus, they have to do “face-saving” by “donating” the Ministry of Minority Affairs to a much more capable women from the Upper House Member.

3.- Gujarat-Model is not an “inclusive” but an “exclusing” Model-

Gujarat is not new to me . I have been in constant touch with the ground-realities there and the Model generated there is exclusively for – the Capitalists, hard working people ( aka Biharis ), toiling Middle-men of all sorts and the various mafias ( including  bootleggers ) .

This G-Model includes-
·        G- Gujaratis, Gujjus and Gujjas Only
·        G- Goods ( deliverables, quantifiable, commodities, sadhus, ) and
·        G- Google- rs ( No Doodlers but those who have infos …and infos )

G-Model  excludes-
¨     B- babas  (who have ) turned Capitalists,
¨     B- Biharis ( the toilers, living in inhuman conditions )
¨     B- Bachchans (see how they remained aloof in this Mega Show ! )

It clearly violates the  very nature of the canvas on which this country remains colorful, with more than 1.28 Billion  alive and living people and which can never be managed by the simplistic and monotheistic approach of the parties that stand behind the present Government of India.
And …..Will  he prove an Angel or ..a…… Bhasmaasur ?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

“Banana- Republics have Onion-like Judiciaries”

The countries that are governed by the culprits, criminals and the accused are ashamed to lay down laws that advocate hard punishments on crimes. The elected representatives do not care to spend time on making laws as they are interested in spending time in order to find ways to break the laws , which may already  have been framed and put into force. This means they slowly move from the law-makers to "law-breakers".
This practice takes some time to enter the social-psyche of the masses where if one does not break Laws one is NOT considered powerful. Which means one is forced to break laws so as to project oneself that one IS  really  "Powerful".
The masses also then start copying the powerful by breaking laws that are in force. The masses congregate, shouts, protests, organizes sit-ins, walks on streets, etc. so as to exhibit that they also have the power to break the laws and they are not given power to break them. Thus, we have a series of cases piling up in the Courts of Laws wherein everybody big or small is asked to come for “hearings. These hearings are just a presentation of exhibiting the power of the Courts. If somebody avoids the appearances in the Court the power is exercised by the Court to arrest the accused for the Contempt of Court , etc. and forcibly produced in the Courts.
The Courts are none other than a part of our Society and the judges are human beings representing the masses. They also want to break the laws if somebody breaks the laws in front of them. The Courts are fully, ignorantly and totally depended on the system of administration in order to- record the events, report the event, make investigations into the evidence , provide relief to the victims of crimes, arrange for the advocates, submission of the fees for litigation, medical relief for those hurt,  arrest the accused, send them to jail, release them from jail, get salary for their services, get pensions after they retire, get promotion on jobs, get  Awards from the Governments,  go abroad to learn from other countries, get concessions for their kids, get educations and training from the experts, meet the seniors to get experiences and to get into the nit-gritty of the cases they hear.
Courts do not  want to reform themselves as they consider themselves to be  “above the Law of the Land.  No body dare challenge them even inside the books of Laws,  the precincts and in the Media. They are not interested in reforming themselves but  yes they want others to change for them.

Where have we seen any Advocate providing us a receipt of the fees of consultancies with pucca-bills ? The men in the black coats have been generating the money which may be b...... They have certain standards of getting the undisclosed fees from their clients. These men in black coats can manipulate the electronic reporting of the Official websites of the honorable Courts . The list of un-Constitutional activities that are carried out inside the Courts is very long and we can never reach possible solutions here.
Today almost all the Prisons (Jails) are overcrowded, thanks to these Onion-like Courts. The conditions inside these present-day modern Jails are inhuman for all of us but they thrive mainly due to the justice delayed and the justice denied
The rate of persecutions is so low that years are spent in final conviction of the culprits. Who can be sure to live so long ? The  series of heinous crimes that are taking place is solely due to the illegal system of  Justice-delivery.

The crux of the matter is the Courts are – dependent.
They are neither independent nor are they  "free" . Thus how can we expect Justice?
When we have some case sub-judice to the Court  we can expect the case to be peeledand  the whole process will make us cry !
The participants and all those who are the part of a Court-case have nothing but tears in their eyes once a matter reaches any Court!!

These Onion-like Courts can only make you........Cry !!!
bah  .booo hooo.. hoooo

P.S. -    This article is written and shared as a blog of the Author who belongs to a minority community in India , with an intention to neither defame nor demonise the Courts but only intended to bring out the harsh experience of the Author in various levels of courts of India. The bad experiences need to be shared so as to make other weaker sections of the Society aware that these processes are the real hindrances to true democracy and equality in India.

If you think this is an imaginary ravings of the author of this piece beware that I personally  ( and my family members ) have been victims of such actions and have been suffering due these actions and in-actions of our System of delivery of Justice , time and again.

 All said and done, we will never get into the night side of the fight for  our Rights until the System of  Justice-delivery changes with the changing times.
If   this principle applies to our present day Courts, I would like to add here that those whosoever  will complain about me and this article will again reach a Court which will start peeling and they will also cry as they will be a part of the litigation,.... ha...ha... ha !